Thursday 4 October 2012

The Multisim

Salam Satu Malaysia....

Today is my second class in the subject Introduction to Electronic System Engineering,(code SMJE 1032).

In this class, Dr Kamal take over the class about 10 to 20 minutes to give briefing about the how to write a good reflective journal, the skills, criteria assessment and every things about reflective journal.The grading actually conclude every critical points on what is the best criteria. The journal that we write, must be creative and original. That one is more likely to be the one of the most important part of grading.

This is the guideline how to write a very good reflective journal.

This is the schedule to hand in the reflective journal.

After 20 minutes the class,Dr. Kamal give the class to En. Redzuan. Then, En. Redzuan teach us about something new to us that is multisim software, and what the function of that software. I'm really eager to know about this software, really. En. Redzuan teach us about this software and what can this software do. So, En. Redzuan start the briefing, and he wanted all of us to focus and watched carefully what he gonna show us, that is how to use this software. It is really fascinating when we observe the expert En. Redzuan working with the software. I mean how he manage to memorize all the icon and every things that is related (seriously, there is really a lot of things u know).

This is the version that we used during the workshop.

This is the 1 that i successfully finish... The LED light up man!! hehehe

En. Reduan really giving us many information about knowledge of this multisim. En. Redzuan told us about the old name of multisim, that is workbench. He also told us about the function of multisim. En. Redzuan tell us that multisim is a simulation to design an electrical built. This multisim software concept is to build student expertise through practical application in designing, protyping and testing the electrical circuits. This software is very useful to us, because this software consists of everything that we need in building up an electrical circuit example, as there are many part of the procedure that is electronic component, board, wiring and other.

After we finish the multisim task, En. Redzuan brief us a bit about the ultiboard and what we gonna learn in the next workshop class.. With that, we finish the class for this week.

See u guys in the next workshop!! TQ.....

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