Friday 23 November 2012

& Salam 1Malaysia..


  This week, in my class of Introduction To Electronic System, was invited a speaker from outside to give some information about electronic system. The speaker is Mr Vivek Panicker, He is the excutive director of Titan Thermal Solution.The topic  that has been review in his lecture is overview electronic system, role of electronics in industry, overview of imaging industry, and electronic within thermal imaging industry.
  The first topic that he was covered is overview the electronic system…He was explain about the definitions on the electronics. He said that
     “electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies
and the electronic system is a group of electronic circuit designed for a specific purpose. He also said that the electronic system is very important in our life today. Electronic system was become a fundamental to our daily life. Electronic system also has became  keyrole in the advancementof technology. Moreover, Electonic system can replace the old system or previous system to increase the technology. Example like the used of komuter and lrt as the transportation, before this people used old transportation example by bus or by taxi…this is the example of electronic system in our daily life today. The progression of electronic system has a flow that has relationship  between time with technology, example the electronic component size change from time to time, for a large electroni component it change to the small electronic component and change to the miniature electronic component..In our daily life we can has the changes ,example like from the personal computer(pc) now we have a laptop as replace to the pc.

The next topic is the role of  electronics in industry. In the modern day,electronics were become an important thing  to create a new technology. The system electronic also can became as the catalyst to enhanced production and productivity in the industry.System electronic also can increase the productivity and output for some field in the industry. That’s  is why electronics is so important in the most industry.
Then,we can divide the role of electronics in industry into five field.The first field is consumer,second is industrial,third is defence, fourthly is communications and the lastly is Information processing system.
   1)Consumer Electronics
      - Oldest segment of electronics with the advent of radio receivers
    - Geared towards the push of consumer products
      E.g. Microwave, Discman, Nintendo

2) Industrial Electronics
   - Oriented towards manufacturing products required by modern industry
   - Process controlled equipment, robotic equipment for test and measurement
  - E.g.  Network Analyzers , Robotic Arms, Electronic Control Systems

 - Strategic , creates spin-off electronics for other segments
 - Pushed the growth of Material Science technology
 - Frontier of modern electronics   

4) Communications
 - Current rapid growing field
 - Benefited from semiconductor lasers, optical fibre technology, digital techniques

5)Information Processing Systems
 - Development of  Integrated Circuits (IC’s), Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) designs,   
- Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits; micro-controllers, microprocessors, memory modules,                   Field- Programmable Gate Arrays(FPGA)

The next topic Is overview imaging industry.This field were required the electronics system to make it functions wisely.This field will become an important field,because it is the new field and need more an advancement to make it become more efficient..


                                         More pixels in an image,more sharper and clear the image.

That is the end,for my reflective journal on this week.So, I hope I can write more later about the another topis.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Salam 1Malaysia…..
  This week in my class Introduction To System Electronic….has attend a lecture about The Electronic         System Related To The Industry Automation-Japanese.The lecture was given by Mr Muhammad Azlan Bin Amran.He is a Senior General Manager,administrator center at Canon Malaysia..He was worked at Canon Malaysia about 20 years,so he has many experience in the world of work and Japanese culture work.It is because Canon is a company from japan.

    He was started the lecture by Introduced his company,Canon Opto Malaysia.He was explain about canon philosophy.Canon philosophy is “kyosei”.It was created by founded of Canon,means “living and working together for the common good”.He also showed some products that produced by Canon.Example DSLR camera,and others.At the Canon opto Malaysia only maked lens for DSLR.Example the lens that they were maked id Sperical lens and penta prism.

   He also explain the manufacturing company rules at Canon Opto Malaysia.The first rule is Products design,second is product development,third is product mass production trial,The fourth rule is product mass production and the last is sales and service.

  The Canon company is a big company.Canon Company must generated a new model products with the new technologies to the users.Canon must make a new technologies to compete with the other company..example SAMSUNG,NIKON,PANASONIC,and others company. always want to full the market demand. so, there are 4 features that must be in a product that produced from Canon. they are EQCD. what is the meaning of that word? here, i tell you okay. E = environment even though Canon want to full the market demand, they also considered the environment. for me, this is the one of the best ways to protect the environment from pollution. although the technology increase rapidly nowadays, we must think our environment too. This way can help the next generation to live happily. Q = Quality, even the price is expensive but have the best quality, it will be choose by the customer. C = cost, the cost before produce the product are decided early. there were not only have expensive price, there also have the lower price. The product also can be own by everyone. D = delivery they also can deliver the product to any place.

   Then,he was talked about the world of work and Japanese work culture.He also story about his experience and problem while working.He was started by the Japanese Work Culture,first Japanese work culture Is “HORENSO” .HORENSO was combining from three Japanese words.The words is “HOU”,”REN”,”SODAN”…”HOU” is means report. Report to your supervisor or project leader, to communicate the situation and status, or to seek information or advice as necessary.”REN” it means contact. Update your team members on the situation of your project, so that everyone knows what you’re doing. They will be able to take action accordingly, and work parallel with you.”SODAN” is means consultation, Consult with stakeholders, such as clients and those impacted by the project, to see whether this is what they want, and how you can improve.We can take the advice when we had a problem and others people can helped.
    Second is “SAN-GEN” means 3-gen.First is “genba”,”genbutsu”,”genjitsu”.”GENBA” means real place.  in concrete terms: go to the shop floor to understand the reality. This is a more effective method than simply reading a report.It means if some place had occurred some accident or problem,people incharge must go to that placed and make investigation what the factor that the problem or accident had occurred.”GENBUTSU” it means real part or actual thing.In concrete terms: look at the real part or the real service provided (whether good or bad) and analyze it while focusing on the facts.It mean people were incharged must see the thing that can make the accident were occurs.”GENJITSU”means reality. speak with data for a better understanding of the reality in the field.
  The 5S Process, or simply "5S", is a structured program to systematically achieve total organization, cleanliness, and standardization in the workplace. A well-organized workplace results in a safer, more efficient, and more productive operation.  It boosts the morale of the workers, promoting a sense of pride in their work and ownership of their responsibilities. "5S" was invented in Japan, and stands for five (5) Japanese words that start with the letter 'S': Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. 

Japanese Term
English Equivalent
Meaning in Japanese Context
Throw away all rubbish and unrelated materials in the workplace
Set everything in proper place for quick retrieval and storage
Clean the workplace; everyone should be a janitor
Standardize the way of maintaining cleanliness
Practice 'Five S' daily - make it a way of life; this also means 'commitment'
 In conclusion,I think Japanese work culture is very good and can give benefits to us.It will make become more discipline and become more respondsible person.It also can guide us become a punctual in our daily life.

Friday 2 November 2012

Introduction To Bioelectronics

Salam 1Malaysia....

   This week,is the 8 week I was at UTM KL.This week,I not entering the electronic workshop,because I haved a lecture at the MJIIT building.This week,En Ridhwan does not take the class but this week,the class was handle by the new lecturer to me...He is Dr Azran Azhim.In my class this week has introduced a new programme to me.The programme is about Bioelectronics.

   Before Dr Azran started the class,he was briefly about himself to others.Dr Azran told us that he was stayed at the Japan about 15 years after finish secondary school.All his certificate which is from stage of diploma,bachelor,master and PhD are from Japan..

  Dr Azran was started the learning with the definition of bioelectronic.What is bioelectronic??Bioelectronic is recently coined term for a field of research that works to estblish a synergy electronics and biology..Bioelectronic also give the good impact to the nation economy and wellbeing,including healthcare and medicine,homeland security,forensics and protecting the enviroment and the food supply.

  Dr Azran also show some electronic components,electronics symbols,resistor colour codes....

                                        This picture showed some electronic components..

                                         This picture showed some electronics symbols..

                                        This image showed how to measure the resistance..

 The subtopics is about Impedence.Impedence is used at the alternating current(AC).Impedence is same like resistance in the direct current(DC).

    Dr Azran also showed to us how to calculate the value of resistance,inductors,capacitance in series and parallel...

Then,Dr Azran also showed to us about the voltage divider..He was explain to us how to calculate

    The next topic,is about the Low-pass filter and High-pass filter.A low pass filter that can allow a low frequency signals but attenuates signals with the higher than the cutoff frequency..High pass filter also can allow a low frequency signals but the attenuates signals with the lower than the cutoff frequency..

                                        Passive electronic filter(RC filter with the low pass filter)

                                        passive electronic filter(RC filter with the high pass filter)

        The last subtopics,before the class about the Molecularbiology.Dr Azran was show the image of cell staining,eukaryotic cell,mysteries of human dna,DNA double strand,and DNA structure..
                                                             This Cell Staining...

                                                      Black point:is the cell..
                                            Red orange background:Extracellular matrix
                                                         This is Eukaryotic Cell


                                                      Mysteries Of Human DNA

DNA double strand

DNA structure

     Finally,this my ending for my this blog for this week.So,I hope you are enjoy with my blog for this week ....Thank You..