Friday 2 November 2012

Introduction To Bioelectronics

Salam 1Malaysia....

   This week,is the 8 week I was at UTM KL.This week,I not entering the electronic workshop,because I haved a lecture at the MJIIT building.This week,En Ridhwan does not take the class but this week,the class was handle by the new lecturer to me...He is Dr Azran Azhim.In my class this week has introduced a new programme to me.The programme is about Bioelectronics.

   Before Dr Azran started the class,he was briefly about himself to others.Dr Azran told us that he was stayed at the Japan about 15 years after finish secondary school.All his certificate which is from stage of diploma,bachelor,master and PhD are from Japan..

  Dr Azran was started the learning with the definition of bioelectronic.What is bioelectronic??Bioelectronic is recently coined term for a field of research that works to estblish a synergy electronics and biology..Bioelectronic also give the good impact to the nation economy and wellbeing,including healthcare and medicine,homeland security,forensics and protecting the enviroment and the food supply.

  Dr Azran also show some electronic components,electronics symbols,resistor colour codes....

                                        This picture showed some electronic components..

                                         This picture showed some electronics symbols..

                                        This image showed how to measure the resistance..

 The subtopics is about Impedence.Impedence is used at the alternating current(AC).Impedence is same like resistance in the direct current(DC).

    Dr Azran also showed to us how to calculate the value of resistance,inductors,capacitance in series and parallel...

Then,Dr Azran also showed to us about the voltage divider..He was explain to us how to calculate

    The next topic,is about the Low-pass filter and High-pass filter.A low pass filter that can allow a low frequency signals but attenuates signals with the higher than the cutoff frequency..High pass filter also can allow a low frequency signals but the attenuates signals with the lower than the cutoff frequency..

                                        Passive electronic filter(RC filter with the low pass filter)

                                        passive electronic filter(RC filter with the high pass filter)

        The last subtopics,before the class about the Molecularbiology.Dr Azran was show the image of cell staining,eukaryotic cell,mysteries of human dna,DNA double strand,and DNA structure..
                                                             This Cell Staining...

                                                      Black point:is the cell..
                                            Red orange background:Extracellular matrix
                                                         This is Eukaryotic Cell


                                                      Mysteries Of Human DNA

DNA double strand

DNA structure

     Finally,this my ending for my this blog for this week.So,I hope you are enjoy with my blog for this week ....Thank You..

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